Saturday, August 9, 2014

Timing is Everything!

Timing is Everything. If timing is everything, why are we always so dog gonit late? Trying to be seen and trying to make a statement when all you doing is making yourself look like a fool. One primary reason not to make this a habit is it is disrespectful. The world does not revolve around your or my insignificant, misconstrued, delusional, egotistical, selfish, diabolical half buttock. Why do we show up to work late, show up to appointments late, say I love you too late, cook dinner late, sleep in too late,pay bills late, eat late, raise the kids late, disregard the family until it is too late, take care of business late, cut the grass late, say goodbye to losers that mean you no benefit too late, say I'm sorry too late, move on too late, stop smoking cigarettes to late, stop doing drugs, stop cheating until it's too late, finish college late, late to listen to momma , late checking for colon cancer, late getting HIV screening, late going to dentist, late showing up to church, late following doctors orders just late. Now how can "GOD" be an on time GOD but you are always late? Everybody be screaming GOD is an on time GOD, but they always late. I think this is called bi-polarism when there is a disconnect somewhere. What results do you expect? Not too good, I suppose based on your actions. If you keeping going in the manner you are, more than likely the results are going to be devastating. Do yourself a favor and represent in the best way. Get up off your lazy butt and do something. Stay up to the real challenge and take care of business. There will be plenty of time to sleep after retirement and I guarantee you it will not be what you expect. Sleepers never get anything more than a dream. But you are so right he is an on time GOD in every way. banner banner banner banner banner banner banner banner banner banner banner McAfee Canada banner banner

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