Sunday, August 10, 2014

The next second is not promised to you .

These are for the most part for me, but if you can use it then so be it if not just keep pushing. The next second is not promised to you. We all should be living each day and moment like it is our last moment on earth because it just may simply be just that. This earthly dwelling place is the most mundane low life place to exist and is the reason why we are faced with incalculable atrocities that seemingly are happening everyday all around us. We as a human race should demonstrate love, respect, integrity, honor and most of all the fear of the most high Elohim. But in the last evil days we are doing just the opposite of what the KING has commanded for us to do. Time is out for playing around, lying , cheating, stealing , murdering, committing adultery and idolatry, fornication and all the things that negative spirits do. Unfortunately, when you die it is not the end of you, but it is the beginning of a life that you never experienced before and there are consequences for our actions in the next life. Now do you wanna play "Believe it or not"? Regardless, it is entirely up to you per say what you want to believe but I would rather not take a chance on something that has such great repercussions. There was once a time it was being overlooked our foolishness but now as you can very well see Elohim is not playing with us any more. The signs are too great and are being shown to us each and every day that we turn on our TVs and look at the news. Earthquakes, floods, Tsunamis' , wars rumors of wars but we continue to think that this man is playing a game. Who is to say that when you walk out of your front door for work tomorrow that you will return the same condition as when you left home? The way the world is operating now, you can't be for sure if you will wake up in the morning. Some of us sleep with the enemy everyday and some of us don't even realize that we ourselves are the enemy that has been plaguing us all of our life and not the next man. Since the next moment is not promised to us should be more aware of our thought processes and the way we carry on. You are not really getting away with anything and everything is exposed so you do not have any secrets "Believe it or not". Come clean with yourself first and quit perpetrating a fraud. Some of us should be arrested for for living a lie or a fraud. What is meant by this statement is if you or a family member that lives in your household receives Federal service or aide like welfare or even food stamps then that would sort of make buying a pair of JORDANS or $300 /$400 dollars worth of Brazilian hair seem rather foolish wouldn't you think? Better yet , if you live in section eight or your home is shotgun why do you continue to buy knock off GUCCI bags and fake Coach purses? Sorry no one is impressed stop doing that dumb #$@!. And for the man how you driving around in a challenger all decked and system playing all loud out but you borrowing your girlfriend foodstamp card to put food on your table at your mommas house. And if you working on the dock in shipping and receiving how you online talking about you balling out of control and if you were to get laid off tomorrow by next month you at risk of losing your apartment? Come on people wake the up! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! Beddinginn November New Arrival Sales! banner

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