Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Living Dead vs. The Walking Dead

It is all the same living dead or walking dead, both sound pretty ridiculous right. Maybe you think I'm just talking about the movies. NO..., I'm talking about the preacher, the nurse, the teacher, the doctor and whomever else you can think of or even name. No one is excluded from this play , everybody on stage and like I said before, we're all playing the role of a lifetime. Truly, it might not be as ludicrous as you may want to believe. Dead people showing up to work on time or late, paying rent or not ,using the restroom, buying hair weave, making babies, driving Escalades, bank accounts or not, don't really matter, but all sounds unbelievable , but fact is I'm more serious than a heart attack. I know right. Pretty much, it depends actually on rather or not you took the blue pill or the red pill, per say. What do you see in your Matrix? Fortunately, this is good news for those who only see this as a temporary dwelling place, and not really the final destination. However, it is an unfortunate situation, on the other hand , for those that are delusional and see this as the most real thing they have ever known. You clearly can tell who they are by the substance of the conversation or the lack thereof. Dead people walking all around...And they don't even know they're dead, just fervent about the fact they are alive. Why do you think "GOD" has made these such popular shows , just here of late? Oh, perhaps you still believe in coincidences. Nicki Manaj, said it best "To live doesn't mean you alive". Did that just all float past our ear drum like a nice sound wave? Some of us, totally missed the message that she was trying to send. Who ever told you this was the end all? I know someone might say she crazy talking about people walking around dead. Well call it what you want but I tend to believe the report that your ability to breath air does not necessarily mean that you are alive. If it were not so, the scriptures would not be talking about a second death. As for me, I'm to fearful of "Yahweh" our Elohim not to believe. Anyway, who wants to continue to watch and witness loved ones dying, friends passing on, and all the other sorrowful moments that each of us experience daily in this MUNDANE low down earth plane, when you know it is something far greater that exist where it will be no pain, no sorrow, no bills, no paying tides, no more crying just JOY & HAPPINESS, PEACE, LOVE everyday no worries. Just trust in the KING! Click on this banner and explore your options. I love these movies banner banner banner banner banner banner 300_468x60banner banner

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