Monday, August 11, 2014

If we spend our life looking backwards we can never see what is right in front of us.

Can you drive a car looking backwards? It is an impossibility to drive a car, cut the grass or even move on with your life constantly looking backwards. Put away all your moaning, groaning, complaining, wishing and wallowing in self pity always asking or saying to yourself if I just would have or I should have or I could have done this that or the other. You in fact did exactly what Elohim planned for you to do at the exact time and the exact manner he purposed for you to do it. Everything is beautifully and wonderfully made and perfect in its' time. My words of wisdom to you is just forget about yourself and appreciate the experience cause if you didn't get knocked down and hopefully out you probably would not have learned from your mistakes. We all make mistakes and fall but we learn and grow hopefully. For example, didn't you have to learn how to ride a bike or did you just come from you mommas' womb riding a tricycle? Screwing up is all part of growing up and Elohim expects this out of us. If no one is perfect and none righteous then why are we all so darn judgemental towards one another. Elohim doesn't think much of any one of us (black , white,yellow, red or indifferent)unless you have his righteous spirit dwelling within you, thus making you only a mini - GOD. Again "Believe it or not" , doesn't make any difference to me or him but you must decide per say, today where you are spiritually in the scheme of things. Although, we think that we have an original thought, fact is none of us have an original thought and they all come from him , we must give credit where it is due. It is really important to know, that when you are dead or have taken your last breath on this earth it will be way too late to decide who you are , what you are or why you are? It will however not be the end of you, you will be able to hurt without a body although the dust is all our destination but your soul lives on forever and ever whether in the Kingdom or in hell or the lake of fire. These are real places although not geographically locatable. Heaven is a state of mind and so is hell. Quit fooling yourself and saying to yourself when I get old and dilapidated I will turn myself into the "LORD". Sorry that won't work. The crux of the matter is "GOD" never left and went any where and he has been watching and judging the whole time. What kinda sense does it make to assume GOD left and left Satan here to run rampant over his creation? Really people what kinda common sense does that make? Would you build your house and leave and just let somebody else sleep on your brand new sheets, lay with your spouse, play with your kids, eat your food? We'll how in the heck do you figure he left his house. I hear people say God coming back, please tell me when he left? He isn't scared and never was scared so stop thinking he is somewhere hiding. Right now he is showing you why he is going to send you to hell right now while you are still in the flesh or he is also showing you why you are in heaven right here on earth. You know if you are a negative devil or not. Be grateful for where Elohim has you today. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery so all you have is right now. Are you "HAPPINESS" right now? Like Pharell said "Happiness is the Truth" and Happiness is a man the only man. The rest of us are just a LIE. Rich, white, black, poor, pretty , ugly, fat, skinny, smart, dumb none of that makes a difference. Peace & Love

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