Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Metaphysical Identity Theft on earth

What is the real significance of having your identity stolen? People steal identities for all sorts of reasons like credit card fraud, money laundering and all sorts of criminal activity. However, identity theft goes far beyond that mediocre scare tactic. Identity Theft is a horrible crime but the victims of Identity Theft are the ones who really end up suffering because they are left having to spend years even decades or more trying to recover their identity after the fact. In some instances the damage is far too great and can't be repaired. Don't underestimate the severity of this crime and think that someone is out to ruin just your name or ruin your credit it is way bigger than that. In the media more recently, we've heard of all kinds of crimes where people are trying to assume someone else's identity and sometimes even murder is involved. It is perilous times and yes it has come to this. Nevertheless when you are in this fleshly down low state it is hard to see clearly when you are operating with only a snake eye view. You really need an eagle eye view if you really want to be able to see the whole picture. That is why you have got to be high and lifted up spiritually to be able to see and hear clearly with or without having physical eyes or ears. Have you stopped and considered why, Identity Theft has become a globesity epidemic? Satan only has a short while to deceive you he was told from the onset and seal your fate. Thus causing Identify theft to be on a constant rise every since the earth was. Fact of the matter is that lucifer was the first one to commit the crime when he tried but failed to assume the role of the most high sovereign king. If we can remember , taken from Isaiah 14:14 "I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.". Satan didn't forget his role and he never sleeps and is always on duty and in fact is doing a very good job at what he was created to do. The people who are committing the "Identity Theft" they steal to keep up the facade to further allure you to hell with their damnable ways. They want your very soul not just your credit don't even get it twisted to think something so simple. They try to appear to be righteous with their expensive frocks and lavish cars but they are only fooling themselves. Reason being, someone with an eagle eye can play you like an piano and you never will know what happened. They saw you coming long before you got there but waited on you to make your move then guess what "Gottcha". Liken unto the "Garden of Eden" they speak great swelling words and dress to impress and deck out the outer appearance to try and hide and conceal that ugliness and that horrible stench that lurks within. But your negativity stinks like Halitosis and one of those angles that are in bodies here on earth right now can smell you like decomposing flesh and you wonder why they don't like being around you. Don't fall for the same old trickery, dressed up devils or even wet devils have just as much sting as an nasty old ugly dry devil. He wants not only your credit score but what a score if he can lure you to hell right along with his imminent pending dooms day to the lake and I'm not talking about Lake Placid either. So to all of you "Identity Thieves" out there you're not gonna get any credit. Peace & Love banner banner banner banner banner banner banner

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