Monday, May 4, 2009


H1N1 Flu Information

The CDC is actively investigating human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) in the United States and is working closely with Canada and Mexico and with the World Health Organization (WHO). The CDC is continuously updating investigation information

As with any infectious disease, CDC recommends that people should take everyday preventive actions. Special Awareness for concerned parents and caregivers.

Public Health Emergency declared nationwide involving Swine Influenza A. Press Release

See the President’s weekly address on the government’s actions to address the H1N1 Flu virus (Transcript) banner banner banner 468x60-5banner banner Cream-15Off 3banner banner banner" > - Go Pink This October. Shop The Annual Pink Breast Cancer Hope Ornament.">

The US Government is sending out money by request.

The US Government is sending out money by request. So many people take advantage of this on a daily basis,why not you? The government will send you money to...Click here for more details...

Money To Pay Your Mortgage...

Thanks to Grant-A-Day my Wife and I were able to get a reprieve from foreclosure on our home. Like the Angels bringing the good news at Christmas-time you have given us a blessing, and a way to secure our home. We were about to lose our home to foreclosure. With your generous grant I was able to bring my payment up to date, and stop the foreclosure. It is great to know that there are organizations like yours that will give help to people like me and my wife who need it! Click here for more details...
Delroy Stewart

Money To Pay Your Business Expenses...

Thank you so much for awarding me a $500 Grant from the Grant-A-Day program. I never thought I would be awarded and then there it came in the mail. I will be putting the grant money to good use to pay some debt I have incurred in start up of my Home-Based Business. This will enable me to be home for my family instead of working away from my home. This grant was truly an answer to my prayers. Thanks again, not just from me, but from my family! Click here for more details...

Tamara Schaufler

Money To Buy Christmas Presents...

When applying for the grant I wasn't sure what to expect but to my delight and surprise a check came in the mail in a few weeks! I was able to bless a divorced mother of three with funds to pay her monthly bills in order to free up some of her cash to purchase a few Christmas presents for her children. These are truly great kids who's dad is on death row. It's very sad that the children of inmates, are more often than not, left with the many hardships. Click here for more details...
Joyce Joseph

Money For A Mom To Pay For Emergency Expenses...

You have no idea how much that money helped out my family. Each one of my children now have a bed to sleep in. My Children have clothes that we all picked out together. My little girl is in a program with children that went through the same things. Every time I think about what you have done I cry. I have 4 children currently and two on the way. Its so hard doing it alone. This has helped us so much. You made me feel like a wonderful Mom.Click here for more details...
Na-tasha Lee

Money To Pay Your Education Expenses...

Thank you so much for the funding. I really appreciate it! With this $500 I can pay for my son's textbooks for the entire year at military school! I am a single parent paying my son's school tuition without any help from his father. My son is a very patriotic 8th grader that wants to be a part of the war against terrorism. He wants to be a helicopter pilot in the Marines or Air Force. Again, thank you for this funding. The Grant-A-Day program is a Godsend!! Click here for more details...

Claudette Robb Ross

Money To Fix Up Your Car...

I would like to thank you for accepting my grant for funding through THE GRANT-A-DAY PROGRAM. I am enclosing two different pictures of my 1997 Ford Ranger truck, which I spent most of the funding for brakes and to have the rotors repaired. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, it is greatly appreciated. I am also sending a package to you at Grant-A-Day with an enclosed letter to show my appreciation! Thank you! Click here for more details...
Sharon Ebert

Link to Swine Flu statistics

On May 3, CDC is scheduled to complete deployment of 25 percent of the supplies in the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to all states in the continental United States. These supplies and medicines will help states and U.S. territories respond to the outbreak. In addition, the Federal Government and manufacturers have begun the process of developing a vaccine against the novel H1N1 flu virus.

If you are concerned about the Swine Flu, check out this link that I found. FangsLivingDead_468x60.jpg banner banner

Friday, May 1, 2009

Experienced Technical and Professional Grant Writer

Experienced Technical and Professional Grant Writer

Services include:

Finding best-fit funding sources
Applying to government, private, and corporate grant programs
Analyzing grant applications and RFPs (Request for Proposals)
Conducting a thorough needs assessment
Developing innovative program activities
Establishing goals and objectives
Creating a management plan for implementation
Disseminating information and program findings
Planning for program sustainability
Building strong budgets that withstand cuts
Using writing styles for visual appeal
Understanding e-grant applications and online forms
Learning what happens after the grant is submitted

Grant Writing Consulting Services

Grant Writing Consulting Services

Services Include:

Identify government, private, and corporate grant funding sources
Conduct a community needs assessment
Write convincing problem statements
Develop innovative program designs
Create program-driven budgets
Prepare grant proposals and applications
Integrate unique components to gain extra point

Introduction to Grant Writing

Introduction to Grant Writing

Topics include:

Identify government, private, and corporate grant funding sources
Conduct a community needs assessment
Write convincing problem statements
Develop innovative program designs
Create program-driven budgets
Prepare grant proposals and applications
Integrate unique components to gain extra point

Tips for Applying for Federal Grants

Tips for Applying for Federal Grants

1. Continuously seek grant opportunities.

2. Keep ongoing contact with organizations that award grants.

3. Decide who will receive information on grants, who will write the proposals and who will manage the grants.
4. Plan how the grant will be integrated into your overall plans.
5. Read carefully and follow the application directions.
6. Be specific and concise with information in the grant application.
7. Grant applications must be east to read.
8. Each section of the application should relate to others to create a fluid document.
9. Write short paragraphs.
10 Provide headings for different sections.
11. Grant must be properly and professionally written.
12. Include a cover level.
13. Provide an introduction with a summary of the proposal.
14. Provide a table of contents if the grant is lengthy or broken into sections.
15. Give reason for the need of the grant. Identify the problem to be addressed then narrow the focus to the precise use of the grant.
16. Provide long and short term objectives.
17. Present the standards for the program. What is the target for success and how will it be measured.
18. Give a future for the program once the grant is complete.
19. Include a budget; specify administrative and program costs.
20. Be complete; try to allow time for review.
21. Providing a high quality document, addressing all key elements will increase success.
22. Check if grant needs to needs to be reviewed locally under Executive Order 12372.
23. Get support from elected officials, business leaders and community leaders.
24. Follow all grant proposal submittal requirements. These can vary for each grant.
25. Do not miss deadlines.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Before your search even begins, you must have a project that you wish to fund. What is it that you want to accomplish? Any project you support must align with the needs of your school or community. Grant providers want to clearly see the necessity of your program. To make sure that your project fulfills a need, compare what your school or community has now to what you feel it should have. Use this information to create possible solutions. The upfront time spent investigating this chasm between your school's reality and your vision for it will pay off when it comes time to write your grant proposal. Do some preliminary research to find a solid educational basis for your idea. Map out the steps necessary to complete your project including necessary funding at each step. Remember throughout your design phase to keep in mind how you will evaluate your project using measurable outcomes. Make a Project Worksheet
Make a preliminary worksheet concerning what you believe you will need for your project. By doing this, you can get a clear picture of what the grant you are searching for must look like. Some items your chart could include are:
Project Overview
Need for Project
Research Sources
Amount Needed
Special School/Community Circumstance
Evaluation Methods Searching for Options
The most important piece of advice you can get when beginning your grant search is to carefully match your project with the grantor's award requirements. For example, if the desired grant is only given to schools in inner cities, only apply if you meet that criterion. Otherwise, you'll be wasting your time. With that in mind, three major sources for grant money exist: Federal and State Governments, Private Foundations, and Corporations. Each has its own agenda and differing levels of requirements concerning who can apply, the application process itself, how the money must be spent, and the methods of evaluation. So where can you search for each type? Luckily there are some awesomesites on the internet.
You are welcome to modify and use this basic grant match rubric to determine how well the grant fits your project.

Swine Flu?

Today, when I awoke, I had this strange but not so strange idea. I wondered did someone create the Swine Flu, like they created syphilis and AIDS in a laboratory. Is this another attempt to modern day genocide? There have been several attempts to eliminate cultures of people throughout the American history. And it is all documented in history books. Something like this is really disturbing in 2009. The past can never be forgotten, so with that being said I'm very concerned about where this "Swine Flu" derived from. I don't think that it just appeared on the earth and started killing people. Somebody knows something and we need to find them and question who ever did this.

Some might suggest that South Korean President Kim Dae-jung explosives that he crashed in the Pacific was actually a biochemical weapon. Ironically, his bomb crashed nearly one week before the SWINE FLU surfaced in the US. And if it came from the Almighty Creator why is it that you only find it in the US?

Something seems fishy! Who is going to find out what the real deal is?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Adrianna -vs- Nardi et al (2004)

As I listened to compared the two I found that they had some similarities about the reasons why people blog. Not suprisingly, they mentioned that it was because some felt it to be immediate, intimate, and in most cases it was about ones own passion. Nardi suggested that is was a form of release , or venting without having to suffer any real consequences about what you said. For the mosat part it is informal, although your friends, family and collegues can view you latest post at any time. Nardi et al view was that blogging is only another form of writting and expressing your ideas through this particular forum. Normally people blog what they think or what is important to them. It is also important that you keep some type of ethic or codes of conduct in this type of social community due to the fact that the audience is verstile and consist of many different backgrounds and age groups. It is also evident that you will be able to reach a broad audience. According to Nardi it is important that you keep you thoughts and opinions honest and without as much controversy as possible, but also try to be as honest and sincere about your opinions as many will comment and come back to a blog that interest them as well. Adrianna also suggest that people should blog their first ideas when they first get up. I think her idea suggest that other somehow later on in a particular setting your blog could possibly be of interest to people who share the same interest.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What type of internet user are you?

Based on your answers to the questionnaire, I most closely resemble survey respondents within the Omnivores typology group. This does not mean that you necessarily fit every group characteristic.
Omnivores make up 8% of the American public.
Basic DescriptionMembers of this group use their extensive suite of technology tools to do an enormous range of things online, on the go, and with their cell phones. Omnivores are highly engaged with video online and digital content. Between blogging, maintaining their Web pages, remixing digital content, or posting their creations to their websites, they are creative participants in cyberspace.
Defining CharacteristicsYou might see them watching video on an iPod. They might talk about their video games or their participation in virtual worlds the way their parents talked about their favorite TV episode a generation ago. Much of this chatter will take place via instant messages, texting on a cell phone, or on personal blogs. Omnivores are particularly active in dealing with video content. Most have video or digital cameras, and most have tried watching TV on a non-television device, such as a laptop or a cell phone.
Omnivores embrace all this connectivity, feeling confident in how they manage information and their many devices. This puts information technology at the center of how they express themselves, do their jobs, and connect to their friends.
Who They AreThey are young, ethnically diverse, and mostly male (70%). The median age is 28; just more than half of them are under age 30, versus one in five in the general population. Over half are white (64%) and 11% are black (compared to 12% in the general population). English-speaking Hispanics make up 18% of this group. Perhaps unsurprisingly, many (42% versus the 13% average) of Omnivores are students.