Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu?

Today, when I awoke, I had this strange but not so strange idea. I wondered did someone create the Swine Flu, like they created syphilis and AIDS in a laboratory. Is this another attempt to modern day genocide? There have been several attempts to eliminate cultures of people throughout the American history. And it is all documented in history books. Something like this is really disturbing in 2009. The past can never be forgotten, so with that being said I'm very concerned about where this "Swine Flu" derived from. I don't think that it just appeared on the earth and started killing people. Somebody knows something and we need to find them and question who ever did this.

Some might suggest that South Korean President Kim Dae-jung explosives that he crashed in the Pacific was actually a biochemical weapon. Ironically, his bomb crashed nearly one week before the SWINE FLU surfaced in the US. And if it came from the Almighty Creator why is it that you only find it in the US?

Something seems fishy! Who is going to find out what the real deal is?

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