Monday, December 29, 2014

Analyze how Health Care Providers Address Issues of Quality

Leaders in health care and providers of health care services are all striving to improve the cost and quality of services being provided to their customers. However, understanding disparities in health care access is imperative; when attempting to identify a solution. For many health service providers, the primary business organizational goal is, to always look for ways to improve the quality of life or service, life expectancy, overall physical, social, and mental health status, disease prevention by detection and disability and easy entrance into the health care system for customers. To fully address these concerns, it is necessary that everyone has equal low- cost access, to an affordable comprehensive plans and quality health care services. By addressing, some of the most chronic illnesses before-hand, will make a whole lot of financial difference in the bottom line long-term. These financial savings makes possible, funding for other critical the long –term strategic planning. Access to all sorts of information and services, is paramount in efforts to prevent and improve social, economic, mental and physical levels of accomplishments individually and as a community. Therefore, great communication, information systems (IIS) and Public Relations (PR) skills, will help to deliver pertinent information to the right audience and in timely manner. Social, economic and health equity, concerns continues plague the U.S. until this day. Equitable access to health services assures timely use of personal health services to achieve the best health care results individually. Firstly, access to health care services in the U.S., undeniably for many years has had the most negative and devastating consequence in minority communities. Fortunately, OBAMA care has been the panacea to some individuals and families when dealing with their health care woes. The "Universal healthcare" or "universal coverage" is an ideal concept that refers to a situation where everyone is covered for basic healthcare services, and no one is denied care as long as they are legal residents of the U.S. And of course with the recent illegal massive immigration influx, this too has added more complexity to an out of control situation, as it were with policies, rules and regulations. In certain countries, like Russia, and throughout the world countries offer healthcare universally, to all their citizens, in public and private sectors, and not through single-payer systems. Nevertheless, there are a few steps that can be taken to alleviate access problems and are as follows: a. provide efficient and coordinated care for patients and extend the reach of each provider b. Ensuring that all staff members are professionally trained and educated c. Removing barriers to practice, which exist at the state and federal levels, for established professions Secondly, Quality of services in health care is most important, when it applies to that individual, more so than in any other sector. “The need to improve quality of care represents a major goal of all health care systems.” (Montgomery, A., Todorova, I., Baban, A., & Panagopoulou, E. (2013) However, overall else, improving health care services depends on the patient’s ability to gain and maintain some level of consistent coverage so that they are in position to be monitored , assessed and tracked. Beyond everything, the quality concept is based on zero defects. There are several methods used for improving the quality of services and are as follows: a. Setting goals and investing in whatever catalyst will help you to reach your business goals b. Tracking and measuring your goals at increments c. Conducting interviews and surveys regularly Lastly, customer satisfaction is the most important feedback that any business manager seeks. “In the last decade, many hospital designs have taken inspiration from hotels, spurred by factors such as increased patient and family expectations and regulatory or financial incentives.” (Wu, Z., Robson, S., & Hollis, B. (2013) Customer satisfaction is based purely on the experience that clients have had with your organization. The level of satisfaction determines rather or not the customer will return to your place of business or not. There are multiple ways to keep your customer coming back and are as follows: a. Thank all your customers for their business b. Try to impress your customers as if you want a pay raise c. Think about your paycheck every time you talk to a customer In conclusion, “despite decades of progress globally there is still an unacceptable level of preventable illness and death, and millions of people are denied their basic right to health.” (Grgić, M., Bilas, V., & Franc, S. (2014) Additionally, health care professionals should be informed and trained with providing information to patients in hospitals and nursing homes or any facility that are places of public accommodation covered by Title III of the ADA. In addition, all governmental organizations and other places with public accommodation, such as hotels, retail establishments, restaurants, and museums are all good starting places for reaching out to the right potential customer. Furthermore, adequately staffing the health workforce with those professionals that daily meet or exceed the needs of the people in the community in many ways, is your ideal candidate. References 1. Grgić, M., Bilas, V., & Franc, S. (2014). IMPROVEMENT OF HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS FUNCTIONING AS AN ELEMENT OF ALLIVIETING POVERTY. Global Conference On Business & Finance Proceedings, 9(1), 407-412. 2. Montgomery, A., Todorova, I., Baban, A., & Panagopoulou, E. (2013). Improving quality and safety in the hospital: The link between organizational culture, burnout, and quality of care. British Journal Of Health Psychology,18(3), 656-662. 3. Wu, Z., Robson, S., & Hollis, B. (2013). The application of hospitality elements in hospitals. Journal Of Healthcare Management / American College Of Healthcare Executives, 58(1), 47-62. Beddinginn New Year Sales, New Year, New Home Decoration Beddinginn New Year Sales, New Year, New Home Decoration Beddinginn New Year Sales, New Year, New Home Decoration

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